Aged Care
Helping you navigate the transition to aged care
The transition into aged care can be a stressful, emotional time for you and your loved ones. From understanding the expectations and requirements of the assessment process to navigating through the accommodation options, fees and Centrelink/DVA implications, the complex aged care landscape is often overwhelming.
The good news is that there’s help available, so you don’t have to face it alone.
As financial planners with specialist accreditation and expertise in aged care, we can take the worry and guesswork out of managing your aged care requirements. We have the insight, resources and strategies to ensure you have the right information to make informed decisions throughout the process.
Our approach is compassionate, holistic and tailored to your needs, giving you the reassurance that you and your loved ones are in safe hands at every step.
Our Aged Care Services
We’re experienced in and qualified to help you with:
Strategies to fund accommodation payments
Financial modelling of multiple care options
Review and planning of tax implications
Maximising government pensions
Minimising aged care fees
Understanding aged care