October Economic Update

Interview with Betashares Chief Economist David Bassanese

Citadel’s Jack Mascitelli catches up with Betashares Chief Economist David Bassanese to unpack current market conditions, the impact of rising cash rates, the noise around a looming recession and what it means in the near future.

We hope you enjoy this presentation. As always, reach out if you would like to have a chat.


Jack Mascitelli, Financial Planner with Citadel Wealth Solutions
Jack has been working in the financial services industry since 2015 and holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Finance), Bachelor of Laws and Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning.

David Bassanese, Chief Economist with Betashares
David is chief economist at BetaShares. He writes on markets specialising in debt, derivatives and monetary policy. He worked at the federal Treasury, OECD and Macquarie Bank.


October Market Update


June Market Update